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Ethnic Rush


Time Tested Traditional Food

-   Our Story  -

Food is an integral part of our daily life. We tend to cook almost everyday and experiment with different recipes. Ever since I was a child my father insisted the entire family should sit at the food table every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Communing around the table was our daily ritual. My mother was a good cook. She cooked traditional foods. Amazingly she never sought cooking recipes, nor used measuring cups. I started experimenting with food in my teenage years soon realizing the importance of fresh ingredients and various cooking methods.

The inspiration of our company came from tasting foods originated in different countries. It’s fascinating to see how different cooking methods and spices thereof used on the same ingredient produce completely different flavor. Nowadays people are modifying food recipes to conform with local taste.

In an ever changing fast paced work environment where boundaries of work life balance is almost none-existent, people usually don’t have the time to prepare food from the scratch. As an alternative, they’re stuck with ready-made, ready-to-order, take out or restaurant food. Realizing the importance of food and its impact on our health, we started experimenting with ingredients that could be consumed as freshly baked/cooked as possible without using preservatives. We didn’t want to reinvent the wheel. History provided us with variety of foods and preparation methods. Our travels helped us find food that are delicious, popular and freshly made. We asked ourselves how can we bring freshly baked/cooked foods to the masses without using preservatives to prolong its shelf life or alter the taste? Looking at the available technology, we narrowed down to using freezers. Frozen foods are an alternative to freshly cooked food. Of course, not every food could be frozen and taste great. We also researched packaging and made sure our product is not only presentable but also has reasonable freezer shelf-life.

After months of research and experiments, we came up of our own recipe of Jingalov Bread. This simple but very labor-intensive bread is filled with fresh herbs and vegetables. The vegetables should be fresh, chopped and baked almost instantly. Our recipe uses nine different herbs and vegetables drizzled with olive oil and spices. We bake to perfection and freeze right away to preserve freshness.

We will soon introduce Zaatar and other frozen products as times goes by.  Our catering menu however provides delicious foods for events and parties.

Thank you for interest in us, we hope you enjoy our food.

We would love to hear from you. Feedback, Text (425) 691-9122 or email us

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